Schedule an Author Visit

The Reader, no date

Last night I attended a book group in Los Angeles via FaceTime to chat and answer questions about Chasing Portraits. And you know what?! It was so much darn fun for all of us. My contact from the group sent me this thank you email:

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Your participation in our book group discussion this evening was invaluable! Making Chasing Portraits available to us through your perseverance and tireless commitment to the work of tracking down your great-grandfather’s lost art is a generous gift in itself. The added gift of your time this evening was such a bonus and was very appreciated by all in attendance. This group has been meeting every month for almost ten years (I joined in 2009), and has never before been honored by the presence of an author. I can’t thank you enough!”

Is your book club reading Chasing Portraits? I’d love to join your discussion. I pop in after you’re settled in and have a glass of wine in hand. Then we chat for 30 to 40 minutes.
Email me to set it up: elizabeth [@] ChasingPortraits [dot] orgReader, 1930


kpixThis morning I filmed a show on the KPIX set for MOSAIC. MOSAIC interviews explore how Bay Area people’s lives are enriched by diversity of cultural and faith perspectives. The show, “Book Chat,” was hosted by Rabbi Eric Weiss. Guests included myself, Howard Freedman (Director, Jewish Community Library) and Michael David Lukas (Author, The Oracle of Stamboul). The episode will air Sunday October 9th at 5am. The show is divided into four segments. I am in the final two segments. The show is unlikely to be archived online, so if you want to watch it, and don’t plan to be up that early, you can certainly record it!

Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb

I did a Q&A with Deborah Kalb. My favorite question? How was the book’s title chosen, and what does it signify for you? Read the answer here.


Library Journal Review

Library Journal. September.

Rynecki, Elizabeth. Chasing Portraits:
A Great-Granddaughter’s Quest for Her Lost Art Legacy. NAL: Penguin. Sept. 2016. 400p. notes. bibliog. ISBN 9781101987667. $28; ebk. ISBN 9781101987681. MEMOIR
This debut by Rynecki is simultaneously a family history, an exploration of Jewish art destroyed by the Holocaust, and one woman’s struggle to understand and redefine her place among family and the world around her. In prose that reads like a novel, the author draws readers into her journey to locate and engage with as much of her great-grandfather’s art as possible. Although primarily focused on Rynecki’s great-grandfather, a Polish artist who disappeared during the Holocaust, the book is set against the larger backdrop of artists whose work and lives were stolen by the horrific events of World War II, and how their output must endure in order to have a chance at being restored and recognized. Rynecki also reveals how, through the tangible connection of art, the descendants of Holocaust victims and survivors discover their role in family stories and world history. VERDICT This personal and impassioned account will appeal to anyone interested in creativity, art history, the impact of World War II and the Holocaust on modern life, as well as readers curious about genealogy and the power of family stories.—Elizabeth Zeitz, Otterbein Univ. Lib., Westerville, OH


Book News!

Last night was the official book launch of Chasing Portraits at Powell’s Books in Portland, Oregon. It was an in-conversation even with Judy Margles (Director of the Oregon Jewish Museum and the Center for Holocaust Education). The questions were great and the audience was delightful! My next event is Monday night at the JCCSF. powells

Today I woke up to some really lovely press about Chasing Portraits. Reading Group Choices placed it on their Featured Books list. Bustle posted “9 New Memoirs for your Next Book Club Pick,” and Chasing Portraits topped the list at #1! And last, but not least, New York’s, The Jewish Week, included Chasing Portraits in its list of non-fiction picks.




Chasing Portraits Book Jacket!


My book with jacket arrived this morning on my doorstep! I love the way it looks, particularly the art on the spine ❤️

In bookstores September 6th!


Signing Bookplates

I recently signed 50 Chasing Portraits bookplates! There’s still time to get yours if you pre-order before August 15th. Details


Chasing Portraits Fall Book Events!

Hope to see you at a Chasing Portraits book event this fall! Don’t see a venue near you? Stay tuned for the addition of more events! Event Details


Kirkus Starred Review!

The first book review of Chasing Portraits is a starred review from Kirkus!


A page-turning personal history of Rynecki’s search for her great-grandfather’s legacy.

Moshe Rynecki (1881-1943) was a Polish artist whose work “detailed the everyday lives of Polish Jews in the 1920s and 1930s.” His singular oeuvre shows the culture and quotidian activities of his people, and his very identity was intimately tied to his Jewish heritage, even to the point of following them into the Warsaw ghetto. He was an ethnographically inspired painter and thought abstract styles would detract from the world he was portraying. He and his wife, Perla, operated an art supply store—or she did while he painted. By the time of the Nazi invasion in 1939, he had 800 works that needed to be protected. With his son George’s help, he took paintings out of frames, rolled them up, and put them into piles. Moshe also made a list of which pieces went into each pile, but, unfortunately, the list was lost. The works were entrusted to friends to be retrieved after the war. When the Nazis moved the Jews into the ghetto, George refused to take his family, hiding their Jewishness with new identities. Because Moshe would not deny his heritage, he and Perla entered the ghetto. In 1942, George got his mother out, but his father felt that he had to go “where brothers and sisters go. And if it’s death, so be it.” The last they heard was that he was on his way to a death camp. After the war, Perla found a bundle of more than 100 paintings and gave them to her son, who moved to the U.S with his wife. That much of the story is fascinating, but it’s only the beginning, as the author discovers her grandfather’s memoir and begins her search for his paintings.

A wonderful story beautifully told. Rynecki’s yearslong search, successes, frustrations, and failures are a study in perseverance.


Chasing Portraits Pre-Order Goodies!

Pre-Order Chasing Portraits and get a signed bookplate and bookmark!

Here’s the scoop: If you pre-order the print edition of Chasing Portraits and email a copy of your receipt to, I will send you a signed bookplate (it has an adhesive backing) and a cool bookmark!


rynecki_bookmark_backWhy pre-order? Frankly, because it helps me. Pre-ordered books count towards first week sales numbers which gives the book the best chance of hitting best seller lists. Plus, strong pre-order numbers can inspire my publisher to print more books, which focuses both the publisher and booksellers on the book’s prospects and raises awareness for the documentary. So, if you can pre-order, I’d really appreciate it!

Where to pre-order? Some retail suggestions: your local independent bookstore, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Penguin Random House

The fine print: Forward an email receipt or a photo of a paper receipt for the print edition only to by August 15, 2016. Be sure to include your mailing address.