Chasing Portraits Podcast Experience

I love podcasts. I gravitate towards non-fiction narratives, shows about books, and in-depth interviews. A great story draws me in, but well-honed delivery and strong editing keeps me listening. I have a not-so-secret confession. I’d love to produce a podcast. I sort of did in this Chasing Portraits Podcast Experience.


I’m often torn about reading from my book. Advice on this topic, as with almost every subject matter, varies widely. Some believe reading a short passage—just enough to interest potential readers—is a must. And then there are those who adamantly believe it’s a mistake to read from one’s own book because, well, no one wants to listen to an author whose delivery is long, flat, and uninspired.

I compromise. I read at my presentations, but only after introducing the Chasing Portraits story, and only for a very brief period. I’m the first to admit, it’s one thing to read at an event as part of a 45-minute presentation that includes images of my great-grandfather’s paintings as well as a chance to connect with the audience. It’s quite another to try to cram a very personal and [I hope] poignant experience into a 5ish-minute podcast. But not everyone can come to one of my events and, so I decided a podcast was worth a shot.

So here it is, the Chasing Portraits podcast experience.


[A special thank you to friend, supporter, and Sound Editor, Daryn Roven, for helping to make this recording possible]