Yesterday afternoon the ARC (Advanced Review Copy…aka a Galley) of Chasing Portraits arrived at my house! It’s a rather indescribable feeling… You write, revise, and edit some more, and then you turn the manuscript into the publisher and lo and behold, the manuscript turns into a book! Needless to say, holding this copy in my hands made my day!
Chasing Portraits, the book, is out September 6th and is available for pre-order.
“And what about the documentary?” you ask. I’ve hired an editor, Tina Nguyen. She’s delightful, fantastic, she understands the story, and she’s now watching the 100+ hours of footage. As for the release date… we need time and a bit more money. I’m writing grants and working on raising the last of the funds. Of course if you’d like to help support the film, donations are always welcome and are much appreciated.