Included in the Otto Schneid archive at the University of Toronto’s Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library are several newspaper clippings with information about some exhibitions that included Moshe Rynecki’s work. This article, written in German, was particularly difficult to read because of the use of the font, Fraktur. I eventually was able to transcribe the text which I then put through Google Translate. The results (included in this blog post down a bit further) are not brilliant, but they give you a sense of the content of the article. I am hoping that someone who speaks German might take a look at this and help me refine the translation.
I find a few things about this article compelling and eye opening. The first is that my great-grandfather was so prominently featured in this newspaper (whose title I do not know). The second is that all four of his paintings included in this article have titles, which lends quite a bit of history and insight to my great-grandfather’s way of thinking about his paintings. The third is that this article talks about sculptures included in the exhibition and how I wish there were photos of those. The fourth is that I know the top painting, “Jüdische schneiderfamilie – Jewish Tailors Family” is held by the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw. I do not know the whereabouts of the other three, or if they even survived the Second World War.
These are larger images of the four #mrynecki paintings included in the article:
- Jewish Tailor Family
Here is my transcription of the German text with the English generated from Google Translate below. Any editing help would be greatly appreciated!
Junge judische künstler im ausland
M. Rynecki – Warsaw
Zu seiner Warschauer Ausstellung
In dem unlängst geschlossenen wintersalon der “Jüdischen gesellschaft zur förderung der kunst” in Warsaw waren fast durchwegs werte Jüdischer kunstler der jungeren generation ausgestellt. Insgesamt waren 37 künstler mit etwa 200 Werken vertreten. Es sind unter ihnen auch einige Debütanten gewesen, die zu berechtigten hossnungen anlass geben und bei entsprechenden gunstigen bedingungen noch rieles werden leisten tönnen.
Von irgendeiner einheitlichen Schule oder tradition der Geschaffenen kann natürlich keine Rede kein. troß dieser Mannigfaltigkeit jawohl der Schöpfer wie der Schöpfung hinterlieb die Austellung des wintersalons einen sehr guten gesamteindruck was zweifellos den groben bemuhungen der leitung zu verdanken ist, die, nur wirklich vollwertige, auf hohem niveau stehende arbeiten junger künstler fur die austeilung verwertete.
Die ganz besondere beachtung aller besucher aber fand M Rynecki. M. Rynecki ist ein kunstler, dessen schöpfung fast ausschließlich judischen motiven gilt. Beine Gemalde und Zeichnungen enthalten eine Fiille gut beobachteter jüdischer tipen und Genre-Bilder, die der judischen straße, familie, werkstatte, beth-hamidrasch usw. entnommen find Rynecki versteht es, eine naturgetreue wiedergabe der Gestalten mit einter originalität der auffassung zu verbinbden. Seine arbeiten sind besonders als abspiegelung des judischen volkslebens im Ghetto von großen Interesse.
B. Rolnißkis “Thoraschreiber” der in schöner grun rosii gen Farbenharmonie meisterhaft gehalten ist, gibt trefflich die bietat und gespannte geistesstimmung desalten schreibers der heiligen schrift wieder. Das ganze wirkt auf den zuschauer sehr stimmungsvoll und ruft Erinnerungen an eine “gute alte zeit” wach.
Eine besondere abteilung des wintersalons bildeten die werke der jüdischen metallplastik welche dieser altneuen judischen kunst huldigen, die von mark schwarz wieder belebt worden ist. Die in kupfer und messing gemeißelten oder geschnißten arbeiten von hanft, merzer, kahane, spiegel erregten großes interesse ob ihrer originalitat und meisterhaften ausfuhrung. Dieses kunst gebiet verdient die großte. Aufmerksamkeit und wird wohl noch manchen judischen künstler veranlassen, seine krafte in bieser. Richtung zu erproben. Insbesondere sind arbeiten die motive aus der altjüdischen künstlerischen. Tradition sowohl der religios shnagogalen wie der volkstumlichen, enthalten, bemerkenswert, da somit die künstler zu einem wichtigen faktor unseres geistigen wiederaufleben werden so gab der wintersalon auch dieses iahr ein anschauliches bild jüdisch-kunstlerischen schaffens.
-Jesaias Gluski, Warsaw
And into English…..
Young Jewish artists abroad
M. Rynecki – Warsaw
To his Warsaw exhibition
In the recently concluded winter salon of the “Jewish entity for the promotion of the art ‘in Warsaw was almost entirely Jewish values of culture of younger generations exhibited. A total of 37 artists were represented with about 200 works. There are among them some were debutants who give legitimate hopes occasion and make tönnen rieles still be relevant in favorable conditions.
Can not, of course, no question of any single school or tradition of creation. Albatross yes this manifold as the creator behind the creation love the winter exhibition of the salon a very good overall impression which is no doubt due to the efforts of rough line, the only fully fledged, standing at a high level working young artist for the issuance recycled.
The special observance of all visitors but found M Rynecki. M. Rynecki is an artist, whose creation is almost exclusively Jewish motifs. Legs paintings and drawings contain a wealth well-observed Jewish’s tips and genre pictures, which the Jewish street, family, factory-equipped, bethamidrasch etc. taken place Rynecki knows how to verbinbden a faithful reproduction of the figures with attraction of being originality of conception. His work is particularly suitable as a reflected image of the Jewish national life in the ghetto of great interest.
B. Rolnißkis “Torah scribe” is masterfully kept in beautiful green color harmony rosii tions, which are admirably bietat and mentally tense mood again desalten recorder of sacred scripture. The whole effect on the audience very atmospheric and evokes memories of a “good old time” awake.
A special department of the winter salons were the works of Jewish worship which metal plastic recollected this Jewish art that has been revived by mark black again. The sculpted in copper and brass or work geschnißten of Hanft, Merzer, kahane, mirror excited great interest whether their originality and masterful execution. This area deserves the LARGEST art. Attention and will probably cause some Jewish artist, his, forces in Bieser. To test direction. In particular, the work of the ancient Jewish artistic motifs. Both the religious tradition as was shnagogalen as the ethnographic, contain remarkable because thus the artist will rekindle an important factor of our intellectual salon of winter this year also a vivid picture Jewish artistic creativity.
-Jesaias Gluski, Warsaw
Painting Titles:
Jüdische schneiderfamilie – Jewish Tailors Family
der kabbalist – The Kabbalist
im beth-hamidrasch – In Beth-Hamidrasch
das gebet – The Prayer