Less than a Week Until Chasing Portraits Docfilm Project Lands in Warsaw


The working dossier for the filming trip to Poland

Tuesday is the day the Chasing Portraits documentary film project leaves for Poland. I’m frequently asked how I feel about this impending journey. Honestly? I’m both incredibly excited and totally nervous. I am both very much looking forward to the trip and completely dreading it. Two weeks is a long time to be away from family and an incredibly short time to get all that I hope to get accomplished actually done. I have high hopes for the trip but am worried about some of the details coming together. I think there will be great discoveries and disappointments. I think I will meet wonderful, helpful, kind, and caring people and others who will put up roadblocks and make it difficult for me to meet my goals. I am trying to put on my “this is an adventure” hat and to take it all in stride. I am trying to figure out how to take my Americanized self into the land of my ancestors and to navigate my Elizabeth Rynecki identity in a place where people will be more comfortable calling me Elzbieta Rynecka. I am trying to head off on this journey with an open mind and heart. I am trying to focus on the fact that the journey is all about the art of my great-grandfather, his memory, and legacy.

Want to hear about the project while I’m in Poland? Don’t miss out on any exciting developments! I’ll be sharing behind-the-scenes photos, stories, and updates here on my blog, as well as on the project’s Facebook page and Twitter feed.


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