Elizabeth Rynecki is the great-granddaughter of the Polish-Jewish artist, Moshe Rynecki (1881-1943). She grew up with his paintings prominently displayed on the walls of her family home and understood from an early age that the art connected her to a legacy from “the old country”: Poland. In 1999, Elizabeth designed the original Moshe Rynecki: Portrait of a Life in Art website. Today, she regularly updates it with current academic research, educational resources, and news of lost paintings, found. Elizabeth has a BA in Rhetoric from Bates College and a master’s degree in Rhetoric and Speech Communications from UC Davis.
Thank you for your interest in Moshe Rynecki’s art, story, books, and documentary film project. To learn more about the books and documentary film, please visit ElizabethRynecki.com
If you need to reach Elizabeth, please email: Elizabeth@ElizabethRynecki.com