Moshe Rynecki Paintings at the National Museum in Warsaw

For the last few months I have worked quite hard to track down several of my great grandfather’s paintings that I’d recently learned about.  I am still working on obtaining images from several different sources, but in the meantime am happy to enjoy gazing at images of two paintings I received from the Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie (The National Museum in Warsaw).  As to how the Museum came to have the paintings in their possession, I was told that in 1963 an individual (a man) sold the paintings to the museum.  When pressed for more information (e.g., who was this man? how did he have the paintings? did he have others? what was his name?) I was told that[Read more…]

Chasing Portraits – A Found Piece (sort of)!

My search for paintings (or reprints of paintings) by my great-grandfather is an endless and time-consuming task. I search the internet and I look for clues in various Polish language resources I can locate.  Today I received a black and white newspaper clipping with an image of a painting of my great-grandfather’s. I do not know if the original still exists and, if it does, where it lives. The style seems somewhat different to me from the pieces I know so well, but I recognize the signature. The saga continues…

Newspaper clipping of a Moshe Rynecki painting